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Call Of Duty: Mobile Loses Zombies, Gets Two New Modes - MW

Along with a host of other additions to the Call of Duty brand, Activision details two completely new modes coming to its growing Call of Duty Mobile game developed by TiMi Studios.

The first mode is Rapid Fire, a limited-time event that shows the player earning the skills and scores of the controller at a much faster rate. In addition to this additional firepower, Rapid Fire makes ammunition completely unlimited for those who tend to spray and pray more. Rapid Fire will be available until Thursday March 26.

Sticks and stones are the second limited event of Call of Duty Mobile. A classic game mode in the Call of Duty, Stick and Kick series sees the player knock it up with a limited load - typically crossbows and throwing axes - to see who can score the most points. Although each kill earns points, the ax also has a devastating effect on resetting a victim's score when you kill them.

While this week saw Call of Duty Mobile getting some new content, the game will also lose something in turn. On Wednesday, March 25, the Zombies mode of the mobile game will be removed. However, according to the Reddit Community Update, the mode is said to be a limited time to return in the future.

Earlier this month, Call of Duty Mobile started a whole new season introducing a new Battle Pass, additional maps, adding Operators and weapons, etc. And the new Battle Pass means new level rewards, in which they have a lot to unlock. You can check out the full reward list below.

In other news about Call of Duty, Zombies mode director Jason Blundell has left Activision. Blundell, who has worked at Treyarch, the developer of Black Ops 4 for 13 years, said in a statement that he enjoyed working at the studio for over a decade. This appears in the same year that Black Ops 5 is rumored to debut. There is also a new map to the Modern Warfare and the weapons for Warzone.


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